
Balanced Scorecard


Suitable for: Medium and large companies with reduced profitability and misaligned organizational structure, with insufficient focus on the culture of resuzlts.

The methodology


About the methodology: This methodology addresses priority issues such as increasing revenue, reducing costs, and operational efficiency. Goals are defined for all hierarchical levels, aiming to achieve the expected profitability by unfolding guidelines through the company’s structure, with a focus on maximizing value for shareholders. Finally, the results are technically analysed and, in case of deviations, countermeasures are defined through action plans with responsible parties and deadlines.



  • 01

    Logical chain of indicators

    Create a logical and structured chain of measurable indicators.

  • 02

    Goal Deployment

    Unfold the global goals from top management to the company's operational base.

  • 03

    Action Plans

    Develop action plans for all improvement goals.

  • 04

    Follow-up and treatment of deviation

    Implement a system for monitoring the results and dealing with possible deviations.

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